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Sorry for the spam on my Lego blog

Just before I left on a camping trip, I made some changes to my little Lego blog.  Soon after, I noticed a LOT of spam comment activity.  I tried to stay on top of it via my iPhone while I was out in the woods, but I sincerely apologize if you had to wade through any...

Day 52 – Lego Olympics

This Lego Olympics hopeful just finished her training by swimming across Lake Michigan. I can’t wait for the summer Olympics this year.  I truly look forward to the Olympics, and enjoy watching them with my family. This year, I really need to figure out a way to...

Day 51 – Lego lumberjack heads into the forest

The Lego lumberjack heads into the woods to gather more wood for his family.  His axe is sharp, his determination sharper.  He will fell that tree! And in the zombie apocalypse a good supply of wood, and his trusty steel, will come in handy! BrickI am an Adult Fan of...

Day 50 – I didn’t sign up for this

We lost a lot of good Lego on Endor.  Brave Lego.  Dedicated Lego.  I swore I’d never set foot on this Ewok infested ball of dirt again.  Yet, here I am.  Tricked by the Empire to salvage what we can so we can continue the fight. Today is a bit of a milestone...

Day 49 – It seems to be our lot in life to suffer

“We seem to be made to suffer, it’s our lot in life.” – C-3PO Poor 3PO and R2.  Never again did they imagine they’d find themselves lost in the Dune Sea.  The Dune Sea for my Lego droids is actually the Sleeping Bear Dunes in northern...

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