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LEGO Mountain Fortress – Gates of Bara-Kir

I always loved the descriptions Tolkien gave of the Dwarf strongholds throughout Middle Earth.  They always seemed so grand, and massive.  This LEGO mountain fortress is exactly how I pictured them! The gates of Bara-Kir guard this LEGO mountain fortress. I...

LEGO House of Horrors – What scenes do you see?

Three guys, Clicketbrick, domino39 and N3rik68, recently created a LEGO House of Horrors and displayed it at Fana’briaques 2013.  Check it out! LEGO House of Horrors features iconic scenes These guys created a huge haunted house that opens to reveal the...

Modular LEGO townhouse – With some visual jokes!

I found a lot to like in this modular LEGO townhouse by Candia_30, and I hope you do, too. Modular LEGO townhouse with funny Easter Eggs One of the first things I noticed, and really liked, was how it looks like sections of the exterior and exterior walls can be...

Stunning LEGO photo

This might be the most stunning LEGO photo I have seen yet.  I love everything about it.  Wow. This is a stunning LEGO photo I am mesmerized by this image.  While it shows up in the Flickr feed of Nate Flood, it is not clear if this is his creation or not. If anyone...

LEGO airplane – Gorgeous in green

I don’t know if I’ve ever featured a LEGO airplane before, but this baby is too beautiful not to share. LEGO airplane Built by mrutek, this LEGO airplane looks like a scale model at first glance.  There is a lot to note in this MOC: I count 25 exposed...

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