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Fianat has posted an absolutely gorgeous LEGO castle with a Middle Eastern flair on his Flickr page.  It is quite stunning.

CCCX Ras-al-Jabar

There is so much to love in this build.  Check out the “wet” sand on the beach as the tide rolls out.  Amazing attention to detail.

CCCX Ras-al-Jabar

I love how the stronghold is built into the mountain.  And I love the narrow door in the front. It would be easy to hold off a very large invading force coming through this narrow passage.

CCCX Ras-al-Jabar

Not only is the castle stunning, there is a large, detailed market place teaming with life. I love the man meditating on the beach.

CCCX Ras-al-Jabar

Absolutely love this shot. Love the innovative part use around the upper edges of the buildings. And the wooden log construction supporting the roof.

So very well done!

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