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This LEGO Star Destroyer is easily the most beautiful LEGO Star Wars creation I have ever seen.  It looks like one of the studio scale models they used to film the original movies.  I can’t even wrap my head around how accurate and detailed this LEGO Star Destroyer is.  And how huge it was!

LEGO STARWARS Imperial Star Destroyer

It’s perfect from any angle.

LEGO STARWARS Imperial Star Destroyer

This thing photographs incredibly well.  And it has lights!  Lights REALLY make a model for me.  They just add so much realism.

LEGO STARWARS Imperial Star Destroyer

It even has a scale model of the Rebel Blockade Runner; the Tantive IV.

LEGO STARWARS Imperial Star Destroyer

The first time I saw this LEGO Star Destroyer, it was just a beautiful model.  now, it’s displayed on this incredible display stand and it looks like it might be officially recognized by LEGO.  I’d love to know the story behind this creation.

Look at the scale of this thing in comparison to people!  Amazing…

LEGO STARWARS Imperial Star Destroyer

Check out more work by OliveSeon.

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