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While I was never a huge Macross fan, or fan of anime in general, I have always loved the Valkyrie VF-1.  This LEGO Valkyrie VF-1 is outstanding.  I am blown away by the amount of detail, articulation, and poses packed into a relatively small MOC.

Valkyrie VF-1

Multiple LEGO Valkyrie poses

I never really understood why it transformed into this half jet, half chicken version, but I always thought it looked pretty cool.  The LEGO Valkyrie is no exception.

Valkyrie VF-1

When it’s fully transformed, it looks like a G1 Transformer I have sitting on my desk, and it looks really sturdy.  Love that big gun!

Valkyrie VF-1

Looking at the underside, I don’t think it transforms without some disassembly and reassembly, but that doesn’t bother me too much.  I really wish I could get views from every angle.  I need to build one of these to go with my Transformer!

Valkyrie VF-1

Overall, very impressive build!  Go to nobu_tary’s photostream

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