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I’m back!

I think taking two whole months off from posting is plenty!  🙂  I hope I didn’t lose any of my loyal readers during my hiatus… 🙁 So, where was I you ask? Well, I had the perfect storm of personal things happen.  First, football season started, and for my...

LEGO Mad Max cars – Check ’em out!

It’s been a while since I watched Mad Max, but I love the franchise.  I’m a sucker for an apocalyptic story, and Mad Max and the Road Warrior do not disappoint.  I’m surprised you don’t see more LEGO Mad Max creations… LEGO Mad Max and...

LEGO furniture for your LEGO house

A while back, a reader sent me a link to a LEGO builder who was building an incredible detailed LEGO house.  That LEGO builder is Brixe63, and today, I feature his incredibly detailed LEGO furniture. Incredible detailed LEGO furniture for your LEGO house I absolutely...

LEGO AT-AT down for the count!

You see a lot of LEGO AT-AT MOCs around the internets.  Rarely do you see one this well done.  And I don’t think I’ve ever seen one modeled like the one that got tripped up by Luke Skywalker and his gunner Dak in Empire Strikes Back. LEGO AT-AT “Go...

LEGO trivia – The answers may surprise you!

Did you know that Gizmodo has a subdomain dedicated to LEGO?  Neither did I!  Recently, they posted an article with a TON of fascinating LEGO trivia.  Here’s what they uncovered. LEGO trivia Why is there a hole in the head of the mini-figs now? We added this...

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