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LEGO School bus – Part 2!

Recently, I posted about an awesome LEGO school bus I came across.  Posted in the comments of the original post was a link to another LEGO school bus.  This one was built by Pierre Normandin. While still instantly recognizable, it’s a totally different approach....

LEGO Nintendo – Who’s up for some Zelda?

Recently, I posted an amazing LEGO Apple II model by chiukeung.  Well, I’m back to show you another perfect rendition of a beloved electronic device for the past: The LEGO Nintendo! Seeing this takes me back to my high school years, racing home after school to...

LEGO Easter Bunny

This may be one of the cutest things I have ever seen made from LEGO. This LEGO Easter Bunny was made by BrickBucki.  I love everything about this adorable creation; the colors, the shape, the idea.  The only way to improve it would be to include a LEGO Easter Basket,...

LEGO Blocumentary

Let me start off my apologizing that I can’t embed this excellent LEGO Blocumentary into the page.  For whatever reason, LEGO decided to make it difficult. Anyway, follow the link, and enjoy part one of this LEGO video about what it means to be an AFOL (Adult...

LEGO video – Best. Party. Ever.

I’d REALLY like to know more about this LEGO video.  A group of filmmakers were given $1000 to make a commercial about LEGO.  How did they spend their budget?  On LEGO of course, and had a LEGO party for their friends.  Best. Party. Ever. And a great ending....

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