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LEGO Starbucks and Bookstore

I’ve been thinking a lot recently about what to build next for my LEGO city.  Currently, my LEGO city consists of the official modular buildings; Cafe Corner, Gran Emporium, Fire Brigade, and Pet Shop.  I’d really like to add a custom one next.  This LEGO...

Incredible LEGO Star Wars photography

I don’t think I’ve ever featured work by Legoagogo on A LEGO a Day before.  Today, I fix that.  Legoagogo creates the kind of images I set out to create when I started this project.  While my efforts stalled along the way for a variety of reasons, I am...

LEGO Lord of the Rings Helm’s Deep

Every now and then, you come across a LEGO model that just blows toy away.  This LEGO Lord of the Rings Helm’s Deep in one such model.  Behold! Eurolock wanted to take the official LEGO Helm’s Deep set, and expand on it.  And boy, did he ever.  This is one...

LEGO Star Wars concert – 3D Animation

Now this is a concert I would love to see! A LEGO Star Wars concert conducted by Darth Vader and performed by Stormtroopers and Clonetroopers. Brilliantly done, and brilliantly executed. It sort of reminds me of the Music of Star Wars tour some years ago....

LEGO micro scale building – Micro Square

I’ve been fascinated by LEGO micro scale building for some time, so I was very happy to stumble across this YouTube series on LEGO micro scale building by LEGO Master Builders. If you are like me, and can appreciate the difficulty and creativity required for...

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