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Lego tanks by Stijn Oom

Lego tanks by Stijn Oom

Gizmodo just ran a story about the awesome Lego tanks created by Stijn Oom.  They are unreal.  And they are made by a 14 year old.

Lego tanks by Stijn Oom

Lego tanks by Stijn Oom

The accuracy he achieves is astounding.  In fairness, I have to point out that he does use after market parts from LEGO custom piece makers like BrickArms.  (I would LOVE to have their newest weapon assortment…) And he does appear to modify some parts, but not many.  LEGO purity arguments aside, this kid has remarkable modeling skills.

Lego tanks by Stijn Oom

Lego tanks by Stijn Oom

It would appear he’s no slouch at photography, either.  And he builds a mean diorama.

Lego tanks by Stijn Oom

Lego tanks by Stijn Oom

Lego tanks by Stijn Oom

Lego tanks by Stijn Oom

I would encourage you to read the Giz article on the LEGO tanks of Stijn Oom, and check out his Flickr feed for more.

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