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Yesterday, I posted a LEGO diorama by markus 19840420 depicting the assault on the Tantive IV in Star Wars.  Today, I give you a LEGO Star Wars Death Star scene; the Final Duel between Darth Vader and Obi Wan Kenobi.

LEGO Star Wars Death Star

The Final Duel on the LEGO Star Wars Death Star

LEGO Darth Vader and Obi Wan Kenobi

I love how he treated the vertical lights on the wall in the background.  I am not crazy about  the hooded robe though.  I like the idea, just not the execution.

As with the LEGO Tantive IV diorama, I love that as much time was spent building and designing the base for this LEGO Star Wars Death Star diorama as the diorama itself.  It’s beautiful.

To see more pictures of this LEGO Star Wars Death Star diorama, head over to Flickr.

If you were going to build a LEGO Star Wars diorama, what scene would you choose?

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