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I don’t know if many people know about them, but there are several inspirational LEGO videos posted to the LEGO YouTube channel.  They are incredibly well done, and truly inspirational.  They put into words, and images, exactly how I feel about LEGO, and what makes LEGO great.  I encourage you watch a few of my favorites, which I will be sharing with you over the next few weeks.

LEGO Builds

This video, part of a series of LEGO videos, highlights a young LEGO animator, and an older gentleman who shares his passion, and builds with his son.

Any Idea who either of these LEGO enthusiasts are?  I’d love to talk to them.

What really struck me in this video is when the animator talks about his early creations being “dumb”, but his sense of pride in what he created.  This to me, is what LEGO is all about.  You’re not going to become a Master Builder overnight.  You may never develop the building skills you see highlighted on this very site, or around the internet.  But you can build your own creations.  Build for you.  Build what you like, and what makes you happy.

And more importantly, encourage younger builders.  Can’t tell what your daughter made?  Ask her to explain it.  Tell her what you like about it.  Ask her if she’d like for you to play with her.

That’s the best part of LEGO for me; spending quality time with my kids.

What did you think of this video?

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