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I’ve spent a lot of time building the buildings in my LEGO city.  I have most of the modulars, and created a few custom ones in the same style as well.  Where I’ve fallen short is building LEGO cars and trucks to bring life to my city streets.  These LEGO cars might be the inspiration I need to change that!

LEGO cars - Slammed Truck 3

LEGO cars

Shelby Cobra

The Shelby Cobra, once the world’s fastest production car, has to be one of my all time favorites, get them in a special marketplace. Seeing it in LEGO form is just outstanding.

Trophy Truck

Love this little off-roader. Reminds me of an arcade game I used to play in college.

Porsche 930

Love the Porsche, but not sure how I feel about it only being able to fit minifigure heads. :-/ I think I’d want my LEGO cars to fit the whole minifig.


There’s even one for the Superheros!

Which one is your favorite? Do you have any issue with not being able to fit a minifigure inside?

To see more LEGO awesomeness by ZetoVince, head over to Flickr.

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